Sunday, April 28, 2024


Q: What is AI? A: AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It’s like teaching computers to think and learn like humans.

Q: What does supervised mean in AI? A: Supervised learning in AI is when we teach a computer using examples. We give it questions and the right answers, and it learns to find the answers on its own when we give it new questions.

Q: Can you give me an example of supervised AI? A: Sure! Imagine we show a computer lots of pictures of cats and dogs. We tell it which ones are cats and which ones are dogs. Later, when we show it a new picture, it can tell if it’s a cat or a dog because it learned from the examples.

Q: What is generative AI? A: Generative AI is a type of AI that can create new things, like pictures or music, that it has never seen before. It’s like an artist who can paint new pictures after learning from lots of other paintings.

Q: How does generative AI learn? A: It learns by looking at lots of examples, like paintings or songs, and then it tries to make its own versions. It’s not just copying; it’s making something new that’s similar to what it has seen.

Q: Can AI learn by itself without examples? A: Yes, that’s called unsupervised learning. But today we’re focusing on supervised and generative AI, which both learn from examples.

Remember, AI is a tool that helps us solve problems and create new things, and it’s always learning from us! 

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